Bee Movie – A young bee sets off to discover a new order and save the day for everyone!
Kung Fu Panda – An unlikely Panda becomes the one who is predestined to save the world!
Horton Hears a Who – An ordinary elephant discovers he holds the future of an entire nation in a speck on a flower and sets off to save the nation!
Avatar – A man finds himself being the unlikely predestined one who will save the Avatar nation from being destroyed!
It is obvious! We are designed to believe in a hero! Someone ordinary and unassuming, someone innocent with a heart for the weak, who in his unassuming way, becomes the saviour for the group, nation or world! And I find it exceptionally interesting that very often these ordinary people are ‘predestined’ and in their journey they show compassion and often make friends with unusual, out of the norm, creatures.
In this filminography world of creative expression, what is undeniably illustrated is our deepest desire for a saviour, one who is ordinary yet predestined to play this role. Does this not, in itself, lead you to think of the story of Christ, who He is, and what He came to do? Does it not strike you that even in a world where Christ is cast out that we find ourselves acting out this script in our books and movies? Does it not prove that we are designed to know Christ!
I find it startling, amazing, very revealing and exciting!!! The story of Christ is so much a part of us that we cannot separate ourselves from it! The world is searching for a hero and Christ is our Hero!
“God is a God who keeps His promises, demonstrated in sending Jesus who died for us, was raised from the dead, and ascended into heaven to rescue us from sin and death. Faith in this Jesus transforms us in every aspect of our lives, and empowers us to live a life that is pleasing to God.” M Lombard
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