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Thursday, August 1, 2013

madrap wisdom #18

actions which move our current worldview closer towards our biblical worldview are an indication of spiritual maturity

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Hollywood's favourite bad boy

As a South African working in Creede, I had barely set foot in Creede when I was told of the biggest thing to ever happen here.  This big event strangely didn’t include the Mine reopening; but rather the appearance of Hollywood star Johnny Depp and the shooting of the Walt Disney movie!  This ‘The Lone Ranger’.  This was big for the tiny town of Creede that, on a map, is only noticeable by a dot which is bigger than the town itself.  Until recently, even those living in Colorado had not even heard of Creede, which was suddenly put in the spotlight with the arrival of the Hollywood’s favourite bad boy.

The euphoria was still lingering in the streets.  People are speaking of the Johnny Depp episode with such excitement that it is as if he were still in town and, in their eyes, he still is!  Restaurants have autographed memorabilia hanging on the walls and some even have drinks named after him.  A town in enraptured by his presence!

Scott Lamb, the County Commissioner, explains how the town of Creede was chosen as a location for the movie.  “After the director Gore Verbinsky was shown photo’s by his location scouts, he came to check out Creede and immediately fell in love with it!”  Verbinsky wasn’t the only one either, it seems Creede had rubbed off on the rest of the Walt Disney team.  Johnny Depp was seen wearing jewellery bought from “Rare Things” during his appearance on  The Late Show with David Letterman.  What’s more, he gave “shout-out” to the public when Creede was under fire threat. 

Scott says he was privileged to be allowed on set to watch some of the filming.  “The set was amazing!”  he recalls rather excitedly. “They built a legit railroad track with ties and everything!  And when the canyon was lit up with all the big spot lights, it was magical!” Often entire shoots can be cut out of the final movie and Scott was very pleased to see that some of his favourite scenes had made it to the big screen.  “Not only was there a good portion of Creede featured,” he says proudly, “but it was an important part of the story line!”

About 60 residents from Creede attended the Premier together as a block booking organised by Connie Weller from the Underground Community Centre.  “It was unique to share the experience with fellow “Creedites”!  It gave it the movie theatre an atmosphere that was so enjoyable” she shares. They were enamoured seeing their little town in the spotlight of a Disney blockbuster movie.

The question is will it be a blockbuster?  Some critics haven’t given it a good rating.  I myself am eager to see the film before answering that question!  However, with the residents of Creede it was nothing but praise, awe and excitement, the most important critics of all seem very satisfied indeed!  

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Outsider's Perspective of the Inside

I came to America to “Live The American Dream” for a few months, taking a break from South African life.  Arriving in Creede, Colorado on the 17th June I never knew what would be waiting for me!  3 days later, The Blue Creek Lodge, that I had decided to call my home, was evacuated due to the West Fork Complex Fires, where 2 fires had combined to form one monstrosity heading rapidly towards us.  I saw ‘Pops’ and Thressia Philbern, both in their late 70s, ripped from their home, their livelihood and their future. 

Having been there since 1976, it was all they knew.  As we packed up their precious belongings and family heirlooms, there was a heaviness left hanging in every room.  This may be the last time they ever see Blue Creek Lodge, the thousands of photo’s stapled to the walls, speak a history without words.  Thressia pipes up and says, while watching the boys dig out everything valuable from corners long since explored, “Well, it’s about time we had a spring clean!”  This was the beginning of my experience of the town of Creede and its people in one of the most traumatic episodes it has experienced in all its history.

Streets are quiet, stores are empty and the extra stock ordered for the season, which is dependent on tourism, grows old.  Only half of the 400 permanent residents are left, with the rest having decided to escape from either the smoke or the stress, but those who remain have something special about them.  Instead of the expected expressions of doom and gloom, I hear people talking of having a drink by the fire followed by chuckles and giggles as they continue to make light-hearted innuendoes around the devastating circumstances. 

 The streets display signs that say, ‘Thank You Fire Fighters!’, an amazing public appreciation for the fire fighters who are risking their lives to save their homes.  The optimism radiates throughout the San Juan Valley. 

The people of Creede ordinarily are never seen much during the summer months (for they are consumed by the hustle and bustle of the tourist season) yet this year has turned into an unusual summer, with time on their hands to stop and chat!  Though not much outdoor activity can be done with the smoke that has crept in, they attend the Creede Repertoire Theatre, and declare in true theatrical style, “The Show Must Go On!”, putting expression into action!  This is where it ends, or should I say only just begins, with just days before the famous  4th of July celebrations. 

After hearing the positive chirp by an older lady: “Well, it’ll be just like old times!” I am excited to experience, although rather different, a personal and intimate 4th of July in the town of Creede in 2013.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Tuesday, February 19, 2013