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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

why do you never drop us?

This week Monray (a LifeXchange member on his way to achieving great things), stood observing as the LifeXchange girls began to offer up feeble excuses for having dropped me in some way or other over the past week or so. With them walking away my parting words were ‘ I’ll be there just don’t drop me’. Once the girls were out of earshot Monray stepped forward and asked me with a look of confused amazement, “Mandy, why do you never drop US?” I looked at him, unable to give an answer off the cuff because the idea of it doesn’t even feature; it’s not even an option. “Do you understand what I’m asking?” he continued after I had not responded.

Later it hit me, what LifeXchange does is merely practise the example of discipleship that Jesus showed us and that this IS the gospel in action. We strive to love these young people unconditionally, to always be there, to never drop them or disappoint them, to see them for the beautiful person God created them as and not for what and where they’ve been in life. And if this is just an example of Jesus relationship with us, how much greater is His love! Our pasts are all ugly and yet he sees in us only beauty even though we still continue to drop Him, continue to mess up, continue to push Him away, deny His love yet He is ALWAYS THERE, unfailing and unfaltering. And why? Because the idea of the opposite doesn’t even exist!

It says constantly that those who know his name and trust in Him, He will never leave you nor forsake you. Deuteronomy 31v6, Joshua 1 v 5, Psalm 9 v 10, Psalm 37 v 28, Psalm 94 v 14, Isaiah 41v17, Isaiah 42v16
“For the LORD takes delight in his people Psalm” 149 v 4

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